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Marketing Department: Structure and Functions of the Department

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:23 am
by Reddi2
The marketing department is a structure in a company that ensures its interaction with the external environment, attracts new customers, increases brand awareness and profits. How the marketing department is formed, what its tasks include, and what the result depends on - we will analyze in the article.

What does the marketing department do?
The marketing department builds relationships between the company and consumers and directly influences business development and the achievement of goals: it helps to attract customers, increase sales and profits, and enhance brand awareness.

Depending on the size and type of business, the following types of marketing are distinguished :

General marketing. Suitable for large and medium-sized direct marketing with fantuan database companies ready to hire a staff of specialists and invest budgets in promotion. Usually uses a range of offline and online tools: outdoor and online advertising, SMM, PR and content promotion, search engine optimization, partnerships with bloggers and opinion leaders, etc.
Digital marketing . It can cover the needs of a startup or a small project or exist as part of general marketing for medium and large companies .
B2B marketing . Promotion of companies that create business solutions. The purchase cycle in B2B is long, and the check is high, so B2B marketers, as a rule, use both warming-up tools (media advertising, content marketing, email newsletters, PR publications) and selling ones (the set depends on the business goals and the availability of offline points). They can combine offline and online or focus on one direction.
Thus, marketing promotes business using offline or online tools: selects the necessary ones, tests, relaunches, revises the strategy, etc. All this is necessary to solve problems that we will discuss in more detail below.