Use waterfall lead enrichment to get 55% more valid emails

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Use waterfall lead enrichment to get 55% more valid emails

Post by suchonaka.n.i.z »

What’s the first thing we need to start an efficient and fruitful campaign?

You said it, to enrich our lead database by gathering as much info as possible.

Enriching your leads helps you:

ensure your email reaches their inboxes so they can reply and boost your business growth

understand their needs and pain points so you can personalize your outreach for more replies

In the article we are going to present and analyze the two most popular enrichment types:

Lead enrichment is gathering data about your leads, such as their email, photo, description, experience, company info, etc.
Waterfall lead enrichment is a method for enriching leads that use multiple vendors as data sources instead of one.
Carry on reading to know the differences and how to implement them using lemlist’s Email Finder and Verifier!

Lead Enrichment: One-click hack to get 80%+ valid emails
If you want to open new business opportunities with cold emails, you should:

→ send them to valid email addresses to ensure they reach your target audience

→ personalize their content to encourage your prospects to reply & book a meeting with you

But, the first step to accomplishing those is to collect your leads’ emails and basic data.

Without leads’ valid data, you’ll end up with generic cold emails armenia phone number list that get no responses and slow down your sales. And if you collect outdated information such as unverified emails, you’ll hurt your domain reputation, lowering your email deliverability.

So, how do you get your leads’ up-to-date data to boost replies without spending hours on manual research?

In this article, we’ll show you how to use lead enrichment to collect your leads’ data and find the contacts that convert in one click to get 40-55% more valid emails!

Why should you enrich your leads?
Here’s an example of how lead enrichment can help you get more replies:

Imagine you are a salesperson reaching out to prospects to sell a SaaS product that streamlines project management.

Without lead enrichment, your cold emails may look something like this:


This email appears very generic, and non-personalized, and won’t catch prospects’ attention or get replies.

On the other hand, you can boost your email personalization for more replies with custom variables. To use custom variables, you can get your leads’ quality data from LinkedIn, aka use lead enrichment:

name: Alex
job title: project manager
company name: Fixus
industry: tech
accomplishments: recognized for successfully implementing a new project management system
Then, your emails can look like this:

In the second example, gathering Alex’s information helped you personalize your message and connect with him more meaningfully. By referencing his recent achievements and acknowledging his expertise in project management, you demonstrate a genuine interest in his work.

This approach significantly increases the chances of getting a positive reply and booking a meeting with you!

How does waterfall lead enrichment work?
The first step to becoming successful at outreach is finding leads’ valid emails & key details, such as position, company, industry, etc.

Lead enrichment can help you gather your leads’ valid emails and basic information, so you can reach their inboxes with a personalized approach that pushes engagement.

But which enrichment method is used by the best growth teams in the world? How to find convertible contacts without technical knowledge and spending hours on manual research?

After testing enrichment on 600+ leads, we discovered that the waterfall enrichment method gives

→ the most emails

→ with the highest quality

→ in the shortest amount of time

Why should you use waterfall lead enrichment?
Waterfall lead enrichment guarantees to maxmize your lead coverage.

For example, if Vendor A cannot find your leads’ email, you go to Vendor B. If still, nothing is found, you switch to Vendor C, etc.

This way of collecting leads’ data ensures you get the most accurate leads’ information and maximize enrichment coverage.

A visual showing 3 email finders leading to 3 different results: no email found, risky email found, and valid email found.
But, manually performing this method often requires:

→ subscribing & navigating through multiple tools

→ hiring technical profiles that cost you roughly $50k per year

→ spending hours on additional email verification

Luckily, we know a hack that makes this technology available for everyone in just one click and ensures you find contacts that convert
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