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The first item actually tends to improve the data collected

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:00 am
by khatunhumaira
Asks you to create questions that are consistent with the original profile of the Social, so if you want to know the age of a person, use "Date of birth", and not a question of yours like "How old are you?" or "What is your date of birth?"; Official identity documents; Financial information; Account numbers; Health information; Insurance information; Usernames or passwords; Race or ethnicity; Sexual orientation or information about your sex life; Religion or philosophical belief.

Political orientation; Trade union membership status; Criminal record or arrests In fact, Facebook wants to limit profiling to only commercial information related to a Company or Product/Service, excluding the most benin whatsapp number data sensitive and discriminatory ones and therefore subject to Privacy. Obviously Facebook already has all this information about each of us, since every time we put a Like or a comment we are expressing our tastes, habits and way of thinking from all possible points of view: Sexual, Religious, Political, Social, Cultural etc. But let's get back to the setup of our Form.

Facebook Lead Generation Examples Below we guide you step by step through creating the contact form. What you see is a campaign we created for Idee e Soluzioni , Advertising Corporate & Web Design Agency of Factory Communication. Once you have read the rules for lead acquisition ads, you will have to accept the terms of use by selecting your page as shown in this image. Facebook Terms of Use for Creating Lead Acquisition Ads To continue with the creation of the Form Facebook warns us that we must have.