The transfer requires manual confirmation from the site administrator - after all, it is necessary to check whether the money has actually arrived.
History of transactions, reporting - a representative of a partner company can always review the history of their transactions. In addition, relevant documents from the accounting department are regularly downloaded.
Location detection - the site determines the user's city.
Accordingly, partners can specify in the settings in which locations they would like to show their products to users.
That is, the interaction between the aggregator site and partner companies is maximally automated and simplified. Representatives of partner online stores appreciate this and are happy to take advantage of the additional opportunity to make a profit. At the moment, such popular Russian retail chains as Chitai-gorod, M-Video and others cooperate with the aggregator site.
Problem two: how to lay the foundation for SEO victories
The customer expected a quick return on their investment thanks to clicks and purchases from attracted visitors. However, the aggregator site had a new domain name with a "zero" history... Where to get large volumes of cheap relevant traffic in a fairly highly competitive niche? At the same time, the development of such a site implied the creation of many thousands of pages. A typical SEO promotion "after" in this case would have cost the Customer huge amounts!
There seemed to be only one way out: at the development stage it was necessary to apply the principle of semantic design - i.e., to develop the structure and content of the site pages based on existing demand.
This way it was possible to lay a strong foundation for SEO promotion of this web resource and achieve the highest relevance of pages to user requests.
However, there were already a large number of old, "trusted" sites on this topic. Accordingly, the above-mentioned principle of semantic design had to be applied with particular meticulousness and depth of development.
In particular:
We collected about 15,000 queries — they are entered by users when uk whatsapp number list they search for gifts for their loved ones, colleagues, business partners. Most of these keys are low-frequency queries with long "tails", for example:
"a gift for an Orthodox believing man + for an anniversary";
"what toy to give a boy + for his 1st birthday";
"what to give a gymnast girl + for the New Year" etc.
The example below contains only a hundredth of the collected semantics:

We clustered these queries - and this means not just automatic breakdown of phrases, but also a “pungent” manual search through all the keys.
In general, we parsed the keys "gift" and "to give". As a result, we simply collected ALL queries containing these words and cleaned them from irrelevant queries for the aggregator site.
We delved into the collected semantics, trying to find patterns that determine how users search for gifts. Here, the features of the person being congratulated emerged , in particular, the links to his:
In addition, the requests also reflected the characteristics of the person giving the congratulations, for example:
his budget,
the city where he would like to buy a gift,
a type of personal or professional relationship that connects him with the person being congratulated (a gift from a brother, from a subordinate, wife, etc.).
Based on this data, we have created the following blocks with the most popular tags.
We developed the site structure "for semantics" - high-frequency and mid-frequency queries were included in the section titles. On the one hand, this made it easier for the user to navigate the site, on the other hand, it served as a signal to search engines that useful comprehensive information on these queries can be found here.
Please note the convenient classification in the catalogue.
have created filters that meet common gift selection criteria - using them, a site visitor can instantly find gifts that satisfy even the most specific requests.
For example, a man is looking for a gift worth up to five thousand rubles for his girlfriend, who works as an architect:
We have started generating thousands of pages for low-frequency queries — fortunately, we have already created the prerequisites for this by preparing a certain dictionary. Even if only a couple of people in all of Russia enter such queries per year, they will find a page that matches their interests on our aggregator site. Of course, this will become a tangible competitive advantage over other sites that do not have such a deep study of semantics at the stage of web resource development.
We created a section for articles and started filling it with high-quality SEO-optimized articles dedicated to gift topics.
On the one hand, regularly filling this section with useful articles will significantly increase the site's chances of getting a decent position in search results, on the other hand, it is convenient for our Customer - after all, he will be able to fill this section himself, using the convenient text editor 1C Bitrix: