Where can I source high quality images for my new website?
There are many great sources online where you can find high quality images for your website. Free stock image websites such as Pexels, Unsplash and Pixabay are all excellent sources of images with a wide variety of options to choose from. Additionally, premium stock photo sites such as Shutterstock or Adobe Stock are great places to find more unique photos and illustrations.
Can I connect Google Analytics tools to my new small business website?
Yes, you can connect Google Analytics to your website in order to track different metrics such as traffic sources, user behavior and more. This is a great way to gain insights into how users interact with your site and can help you make informed decisions about changes or improvements to make. You can add the analytics code directly into your website’s HTML.
Can I connect Email Marketing to my new small business website?
Yes, you can connect Email Marketing tools to your website. This will allow you to capture email addresses of visitors and send them newsletters or promotional emails with offers. There are many different solutions available for this purpose including MailChimp, Constant Contact, GetResponse and more. Each has its own set of features and pricing plans.

What is the best way to establish credibility with my new small business website?
The best way to establish credibility with your small business website is by providing useful and accurate content. Focus on building a good reputation online and make sure you are targeting the right audience. You can also use social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube etc. to promote your website and reach out to possible customers.
Is it important to ensure my new small business website works on mobile devices?
Yes, it is important to ensure that your website works on mobile devices. More and more people are using their phones and tablets to access the internet, so if your website isn’t optimized for them, you risk losing likely customers. You should also consider implementing a mobile-friendly design and making sure that the content is easy to read on smaller screens.