you can calculate a comfortable

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you can calculate a comfortable

Post by Apuroos2173 »

If you disagree with the company's decision, file a claim with the director of the institution. In the claim, note that the policy was purchased legally, the validity period has not expired, and the company is obliged to pay compensation under it. Claims are considered within one week. If there is no response, go to court.

What if the person at fault in an accident does not have an MTPL policy?
The law prohibits using a car without a civil liability policy. A driver who gets behind the wheel without "autograzhdanka" will be fined 800 rubles. If you drive without accidents, the price is low, even if you india business email list are caught for this violation 2-3 times a year. But if you are the culprit of an accident, you will have to compensate for the damage out of your own pocket: car repairs, treatment of the victim if he is on sick leave. Through the court, the victim can obtain compensation in excess of 400 thousand for repairs, as well as compensation for moral damage.

The court will calculate the amount of compensation without taking into account the age of the car - the person found guilty will pay for the purchase of replacement parts at the price of new ones. Insurers use the services of partners - services, suppliers of spare parts, the cost of repairs for them is cheaper than private repairs.

What other expenses might the culpri without compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance incur:


payment for independent examination;
cost of towing services;
car care in the parking lot;
moral damage (from 1000 rubles for moral damage without physical injury).
The driver pays for damage to his car using comprehensive insurance, and if you bought a car without comprehensive insurance , then at his own expense.

Receiving compensation under the "auto insurance" if the request is correctly completed follows a standard procedure. If there are disagreements about the amount of compensation, the victim can go to court.
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