Why do some organizations succeed and others do not?

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Why do some organizations succeed and others do not?

Post by arzina566 »

In order to work more digitally (together), we need to come up with new ways of working . These new ways of working are about letting go of fixed habits, processes and resources and asking yourself what the purpose of your work is. Then we need to think about how you can perhaps do that purpose of your work in a different, better way. In which you use different, digital resources.

This brings us back to the question we asked in the introduction: why do certain organizations succeed in digital collaboration while others do not, even though they use the same tools?

This has everything to do with the communication and collaboration style in your organization and what the underlying idea is of certain digital tools. To clarify this, we use the Competing Values ​​model by Cameron & Quinn . This is a well-known diagnostic model for mapping the current and desired organizational culture. The model is based on research into the most important indicators of effective organizations.

Competing Values ​​Model
The researchers found two (value) dimensions for describing organizational culture:

Stability versus flexibility : organizations strive for germany telegram data stability and internal control of processes by describing, measuring, monitoring and continuously improving processes. At the same time, organizations want to be flexible in order to respond as quickly as possible to opportunities that arise. This also has an impact on the way in which organizations deal with information, communication and collaboration. And what kind of digital systems they work with. Are these mainly focused on control and management? Or do they offer flexibility and are they focused on sharing information and knowledge?
Internal versus externally focused : with this dimension, the question is whether organizations mainly try to coordinate and improve internal matters or whether they look outside to improve and innovate. The degree of integration versus differentiation also influences the way of (digital) collaboration. Should working methods and systems mainly connect to what already exists in the organization? Or do you mainly look at new opportunities and possibilities?


Quadrant of competing values ​​according to Cameron and Quinn (explanation above and below the image).

4 quadrants of organizational cultures
Together the dimensions form 4 quadrants, each with its own set of indicators for the effectiveness of an organization.
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