Get into the power pose!

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Get into the power pose!

Post by arzina566 »

Next year there will surely be another Dam tot Damloop. Maybe less massive than before, maybe not. Nobody knows! Until then, just keep training for a top time.

people who previously (almost) never did this. But it is now starting to become the norm for most organizations. Non-verbal communication is incredibly important , especially in video calls . In recent times, I have been able to observe and train various teams and individuals in this, in order to appear as well as possible on the digital stage, both internally for colleagues and externally for customers. In this blog, I share the four most important tips.

By speaking via a video connection instead of france telegram data physically, you are actually 1-0 behind. We have been talking face-to-face for tens of thousands of years, but video calling for only a few years. Our brains are not yet built for this.

According to research, the impact of video calling on our brains is significant, as they have to process much more input than during a regular call, which also costs more energy. So much more energy, that ' Zoom burnouts' have become a thing and there are warnings about the mass 'video call fatigue'.

On the other hand, you can see it as a great opportunity. Surprise the attendees with a presentation or pitch that they did not see coming. Make it a highlight of the day , through good preparation and even better execution .


Sitting is not only the ' new smoking' . According to many studies, it also causes a major 'energy drain', which you do not want during an important presentation or pitch.

Stand up! A good posture gives many positive non-verbal signals to the participants. Energy and enthusiasm. It radiates confidence and leadership, which is sorely sought after in these special times. Stand up straight, back straight and relax your shoulders. Especially the latter is important, as frustration often manifests itself in tense shoulders.
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