Loyalty programs for brand awareness
Loyalty programs are perfect for increasing positive brand perception, giving rewards to those who interact more with the company's initiatives. From point systems to daily and weekly rewards. The more customers interact with us, the more they will be brand ambassadors speaking well with their circle of acquaintances.
Online contests are also a great way to improve your brand awareness. Obviously, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to create a relevance between the contest and the prizes up for grabs , in order to encourage brand recognition with that specific product.
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A prize competition, in fact, according to the definition of buy country b2b b2c email address list Presidential Decree 430/2001 (the text that regulates this type of event) is an activity or action aimed at promoting the knowledge of a brand on Italian territory , through the offering of goods or services as prizes.
When a company announces a prize competition, in essence, it is asking its users to take a small action (which could be uploading a photo or video, filling out a form or answering a few questions) and, based on criteria decided during the drafting of the Official Rules, it will decide the winner or winners.
From action to prize, this is why contests are a great way to increase awareness of your brand among users. Since there are goods or services up for grabs for participants, they have a high chance of going viral within their niche, promoting your brand awareness.
Ankarsum's results on brand awareness
Even little-known brands can achieve excellent results by launching a prize competition: in this regard, the case study of Ankarsrum is interesting , which with its contest #homemadeakr involved 1,696,682 people on social media , of which 1,395,596 on Facebook alone. Furthermore, during the duration of the competition, it increased the likes on the Page from 296 to 1800 , thus working very well on its notoriety, thanks to the relevance of the prizes and the emotional tone of the contest itself.
Although they are often confused, it is good to remember that brand awareness and brand reputation are two distinct things. The first refers only to notoriety, therefore the degree and level of knowledge of a company and its products/services. The second, however, also takes into account the sentiment that users have towards a certain brand.