The power of e-newsletters

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The power of e-newsletters

Post by Mitu7890 »

Among B2B marketers, 83% use email newsletters as part of their content marketing program, and 40% of them believe it is critical to their content marketing success . In fact, you're probably signed up for one yourself.

Newsletters may seem like email marketing at its most basic, but they're actually an important part of a dynamic, ongoing strategy. With 59% of consumers reporting that marketing emails influence their purchasing decisions, it's clear that the more spain business fax list modes of delivery you have, the better. As such, an email newsletter is a great way to anchor all that communication into one effective package.

Here are four reasons why email newsletters should be at the top of your email marketing priority list.


1. They humanize your brand
Brands are people too. Well, okay, not exactly, but when it comes to effective outreach, you absolutely need to put personality and a human touch behind the way you communicate. Digital marketing has taken a turn towards more approachable, friendly, and trustworthy messaging, leading to a consumer base that not only wants to engage with your brand like a real person would, but expects to.

So how do email newsletters help you achieve that goal? Show your subscribers what you’re doing, share company updates, and give them an inside look at the business. These are ways to humanize your brand that you can’t necessarily achieve with other forms of outreach. Your email newsletter is a place for you to get more creative and personal with tone and content, which in turn strengthens connections that can help sustain brand growth in the short and long term.

2. They are resource driven
As a marketer, you frequently create a lot of content that can help educate (and convert) your leads and potential customers. However, how you distribute that content is very important, and you need to take steps to ensure you’re putting the right resources in front of the right people. Targeted email campaigns are the gold standard for doing this, but your company’s email newsletter also has a very important role to play at this stage.
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