BlueBiz started its journey in 2003, and after 2 years it was decided to exploit the information collected to date and make communication with users more relevant and effective. To do this, a relational cfo email list marketing strategy was developed based, firstly, on the exploitation of a database with fine segmentations, and secondly, on the development of an email marketing program throughout the user's life cycle .
In this program, the relational strategy revolved around the following ideas:
Profiling: This involves achieving communication that is more contextualized with the user's reality.
Behavioral segmentation to make communications more relevant.
Facilitate the notion of dialogue through a greater deployment of interactive elements
The User Lifecycle (or how to achieve long-lasting and profitable relationships through relevant communications with the user)
The BlueBiz life cycle has two flows: one that determines the “relationship stages” that the user occupies with the company, and a second that does so based on the user’s own personal data.

For each of the “stages” in which each user is located, there are a series of email communications with personalized and relevant information. Thus, for example, since one of the data collected was the date of birth, birthday wishes can be sent.
This other example shows the email announcing the assignment of a new membership number after the program update.