How to Generate Influence on the Internet

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How to Generate Influence on the Internet

Post by rosebaby50955 »

You can start reading about this topic with 75 marketing stories with a cautionary tale by Giles Lury and The art of the Start 2.0 by Guy Kawasaki . 

Our Podcast on Digital Transformation in Latin America that I host with Juan Andrés Ochoa or En.Digital can help you better understand the concepts of Digital Marketing and the trends that are setting the standard in this industry. 

And if visuals are your thing, be sure to subscribe to Neil Patel's YouTube channel , one of the greatest experts in Digital Marketing, to apply effective web positioning techniques.

One of the aspects that we have seen with the most astonishment today is how some brands grow rapidly thanks to the way they manage their virtual channels and how they treat users. 

Becoming a brand that truly influences the lives and decisions of customers is one of the major current goals. We see thousands of brands that use “influencers” precisely because it allows them to reach their customers in a more hotmail email list human and spontaneous way, through people they admire or constantly follow. 

For me, influence is having the ability to make other people do what you want. 

An influential brand is one that makes customers buy its product, fall in love with it, recommend it and feel part of that family. It happens to us with many brands in our daily lives that we consider part of the family, we could not even conceive of changing products, and it is because they have convinced us (with quality and good content) that they have the solution to our problems.


Universal Principles of Influence
There are 6 universal principles of influence according to Professor Robert Cialdini of Arizona State University:

Reciprocity: By delivering content and valuable elements, our consumers give us authority in return and are very likely to become our clients. It is important to work more on the value of what is delivered and less on what can be obtained in return; that will come organically.
Scarcity : Humans are generally quick to acquire products that are in short supply. We must give our products that quality: exclusivity and personalization. This has been one of the keys to the success of the big players in e-commerce. Personalization and top-quality service. 
Social proof: People tend to consume what other people have already tried. That's why having success stories and clients you've worked with visible generates trust in potential new clients. Likewise, including reviews and opinions on your website and profiles is crucial. 
Likeability: things that are similar attract one another. When you get empathy from the general public, you attract more. This is the presentation, a job well done, a good greeting, a good presence, a quality podcast, a well-written text. Taking care of the details and knowing very well what your clients like. 
Authority: One way to influence people is to have someone give you authority. The best clients come from referrals. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a “famous” person; a happy client will be the best recommendation. 
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