Looping Out: A rather subtle technique where you deliberately feed the end of the loop back into the beginning so that it repeats and keeps looping back on itself. NLP practitioners say it is useful because, essentially, the looping pattern becomes unstable after a while and collapses. This may be a bit ambitious for a cold call.
Pattern Breaking Techniques for Salespeople
That’s all well and good, but how does it translate into practice on the sales floor? What kind of concrete negotiation tactics can sales professionals use to actually close a sale? What if you scared a prospect away and sent them off on a quest to find out how to block a phone number ?
a pattern in this context?
Great question. Here are seven ideas on how to take pattern interruption theory and put it to work on a prospect.
1) Verbal ambiguity
In his book Tricks of the Mind , British illusionist Derren Brown recounts how he once managed to get out of a dangerous situation by using verbal ambiguity.
One night, he was approached by a man who was very aggressive towards him, and he felt sure that he was about to be beaten. Instead of trying to escape or preparing his fists for action, he simply looked at the man and said:
"The wall outside my house isn't even four feet high."
It is said that the man was so confused that he not philippines telegram mobile phone number list only calmed down immediately, but actually burst into tears and began telling Derren his problems.
Now, not everyone is fortunate enough to have Mr. Brown's skills, of course. However, it is a useful illustration of how effective this technique can be. In a sales call, you might try saying something like:
"What's the most useful insight your data analytics tools have given you since the last time they gave you something very useful?"
Your prospect will be forced to stop and think about your question, which means they will be receptive to whatever you say next.
2) Personalized messaging
This is all about doing your homework. Fire up your best email search tools, brush up on your research skills, and start digging.
The Allure of Disrupting the Personalization Model
Image from Unsplash
In other words, how does one actually break
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