What is Facebook Pixel. Comment 5 o'click
The Facebook pixel collects information about visitors to our site and compares it with its users. The more the social network knows about our business, installations and visitors, the more effectively it displays advertising. This has been proven by numerous tests and our experience. Automatic strategies work better than manual ones, precisely because we upload the most detailed information to the Facebook pixel.
You can transfer not only data about visitors to the pixel, but also site events, i.e. goals. You can transfer purchases, their cost, registrations, subscriptions. That is, completely give all the information about the sales funnel or about user actions. And the more we give them, the better Facebook will adjust with its strategies and show ads.
For example, if we connect e-conversion channels to the pixel, we can taiyuan mobile phone numbers database indicate to Facebook that we need visitors who are willing to buy a product for a certain price, i.e. the CPA will be no more than X amount. Since Facebook knows the income and expenses, it will be able to adjust and bring in such target users. The more FB knows about us and our visitors, the more it will be able to find such people.
With the help of our data, the social network analyzes its current users and collects them into a look-a-like group. Look-a-likes work very well. The more visitors we have, the more accurately and more Facebook can create similar groups. Look-a-like is the most similar audience to those who perform certain actions with us or those who buy something from us or simply visit the site. Such groups can be made for those who simply visited, bought something, did not visit or did not do something on the site. All this can be configured after the pixel is installed correctly.
The most comprehensive course on advertising on Facebook and Instagram will teach you how to launch advertising so as not to waste money and increase sales. You will learn about all the functions and secret tricks of the advertising account, learn how to set up audiences, advertise to website visitors, write ad texts and select images. And also - plan a budget, analyze campaigns and develop a full-fledged advertising strategy. Or check the work of your employees if hired targetologists are responsible for your advertising.

Access to the materials is lifetime, you can return to them at any time to use them in your work. Checklists for launching campaigns and setting up audiences and a media plan template are free. View the full program and buy .
#1: Create a Facebook Pixel for Your Website
If you haven't installed a pixel on your site yet to display Facebook ads, it's time to do so to gain access to Facebook analytics.
How to create a pixel on Facebook?
First, you need to figure out where to get the Facebook pixel. , open Ads Manager or Business Manager , go to your site's ad account, and then to Events Manager > Pixels dashboard .
Next, click the green "Create Pixel" button .