Inbound and Outbound Marketing together for B2B business

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Inbound and Outbound Marketing together for B2B business

Post by aktAkterSabiha10 »

For many observers, Inbound and Outbound marketing are opposing approaches . The first is seen as the panacea for all the ills of digital marketing, the second as an old way to approach potential customers. But this is not necessarily the case.

What are Inbound and Outbound Marketing
Let's start with the basics. In outbound marketing, companies aim to find new customers through "traditional" pushing techniques such as advertising, physical events, "cold" calls from call centers (cold call) or DEM (Direct Email Marketing). Among the weak points of these techniques are the costs and the element of disturbance: the user can in fact be "annoyed" by elements with a strong impact while perhaps he is intent on reading a very interesting article on the Web.

The Opposite of Outbound: Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing , on the contrary, is based on pulling techniques that attract potential customers to your website. Printed advertising therefore gives way to blogs and white papers, television advertising to viral videos of content, cold calls to SEO techniques, DEM to feeds. In essence, it is the potential customer who spontaneously arrives on the supplier's site looking for information that will help him solve a need.

Differences between inbound and outbound marketing
The differences between inbound and outbound marketing therefore concern the ways in which you enter the buyer's sphere of interest. On the one hand, you use a more colloquial and open-to-dialogue communication style, captivating and able to naturally attract the user towards the content designed for him. You offer advice and demonstrate that you are authoritative and competent in your market, you try to give answers to doubts or questions that the buyer might have in his purchasing process. It is difficult france telegram datato propose a purchase directly.

On the other hand, communication takes on a different, persuasive force aimed at making an action take place immediately, generally a purchase or an effort, through highly captivating calls to action. The style is less colloquial and more aggressive in tone, aimed at diverting the buyer's attention from what he was doing to give it to the message, interrupting it. In fact, this type of marketing is also called interruption marketing.

It is very important to know the differences between inbound and outbound marketing so that you can distinguish the strategies best suited to the buyer personas and the context each time.


Inbound and Outbound Marketing Work Well Together
These two approaches, although very different in their foundations, are not in opposition to each other. In fact, Inbound and outbound marketing work well together . According to research by TechTarget that involved 1,600 campaigns with over 700 million impressions generated, branding is a key factor to be increasingly present in the short list of possible suppliers (+25%). In this sense, the concept of "synchronized message" is very important: a campaign that "harmonizes" the message of display activities with DEM leads to a 20% increase in the response rate. The advice is to provide clear messages that solve a need and reach the right target. According to TechTarget data, when branding is part of a cross-channel digital campaign, the sales pipeline is doubled.
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