How you can apply Digital Storytelling in your business strategy

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How you can apply Digital Storytelling in your business strategy

Post by Himon02 »

The history of humanity is based on the ability to use storytelling to share information and provide valuable, memorable insights. Digital storytelling is this century's answer to story-based marketing that can help you achieve your business goals.

Valentina Giraldo

Jan 18, 22 | 10 min read
We tell you how to boost your brand with digital storytelling
Reading time: 8 minutes
Technology is an increasingly important part of almost everything we do in the digital age. We rely on it to keep in touch with loved ones, earn a living and entertain ourselves in our free time.

It also became a fundamental element of the way we organize, tell and share stories in the marketing world .

Today's consumers want more than just great products to buy or services that make their lives easier. They want to feel connected to the brands they buy from - they want brands to tell them a story .

Since the dawn of civilization, a good story is list of turkey consumer email the key to human connection and digital storytelling combines the power of a good marketing story with modern and innovative tools to reach a target audience in a new dimension.

In this post you will learn everything you need to know to integrate this resource into your marketing strategy.

Keep reading!

What is digital storytelling?
What are the key elements of digital storytelling?
What are the benefits of digital storytelling?
How to build a digital storytelling strategy?
Conclusion: Exceptional brands start with incredible stories
What is digital storytelling?
Traditional storytelling—as it has always existed—uses physical tools and materials to convey information and prove a point.

Think pens or pencils, paper, records, tapes, physical films, original artwork, and more. Digital storytelling accomplishes the same thing, just using digital tools, materials, and communication methods.

Of course, many digital storytelling methods employ elements such as:

digital images;
written texts;
However, they can also include social media material such as tweets, Instagram stories or interactive content .

The best digital storytelling materials are designed to be highly engaging and emotionally compelling , the perfect combination to establish a connection with your target audience .

They can also cover a lot of ground and include many formats, from hypertext stories to elaborate interactive experiences designed to explain complex concepts.

What are the key elements of digital storytelling?
Although digital storytelling can be applied in many different practical contexts, there are still certain elements that need to be taken into account, as suggested by concept pioneer Joe Lambert.

Lambert and other digital storytelling experts don't believe in adhering to a formula that impedes creativity .

However, the seven elements of digital storytelling, as presented by the Center for Digital Storytelling (CDS) in Berkeley, California, provide an excellent foundation from which to start.

1. Point of view
Every good story contains a personal point of view from the creator . It is what distinguishes an idea that has been tackled many times from other versions and gives it impact.

The author's unique point of view also provides a persuasive framework for the concepts the audience must understand by the end of the narrative.


2. Dramatic question
Every great digital story includes a dramatic question as a centerpiece.

Su propósito es capturar y mantener la atención de la audiencia a lo largo de la narración. Por supuesto, la pregunta se responde al final como parte de la recompensa por quedarse.

Los narradores con más experiencia buscan, también, mantener el nivel de emoción de la historia esquivando las expectativas asociadas con la pregunta dramática.

3. Contenido emocional
A las personas les encantan las historias que les permiten percibir la vida en un nivel más profundo, por lo que la emoción es parte integral de cualquier historia digital exitosa.

Cualquier persona puede sentirse identificado con los desafíos y aventuras, como el amor, las pérdidas, la vida o la muerte, la soledad o la conexión.

Las historias que incluyen estos elementos de manera significativa atrapan a la audiencia y la obligan a prestar toda su atención a la narración de principio a fin.
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