Step-by-step guide: marketing plan

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Step-by-step guide: marketing plan

Post by bitheerani44556 »

designing a marketing plan is essential for creating a marketing strategy or campaign . This plan will be the roadmap for the entire campaign to be carried out in order for it to be a success. However, many companies forget certain essential steps when creating their marketing strategy. That is why, today we are going to show you a step-by-step guide of all the factors that come into play within a marketing plan. Don't miss our step-by-step guide!

Step-by-step guide: marketing plan for the b2b sector
step 1. Define your goals
what do you want to achieve with your marketing strategy or campaign? Defining chemical manufacturers email lists objectives is very important; without this step, the rest of the marketing plan would be meaningless.


One mistake that many companies make is to set more than one main objective. This is not recommended, as it is not realistic. If it is already difficult to achieve one objective, imagine, for example, five.

For this reason, it is important to establish a main objective, a kpi (key performance indicator) by which the success or failure of the entire strategy will be measured . Therefore, the entire marketing strategy will revolve around this main objective.

If you don't know what your main goal is, you can find it by considering smart goals . We explain it in more detail below.

Smart goals
smart stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely, that is, everything that an objective must have to be classified as a kpi: specific, measurable, reasonable, relevant and timely.

In order to be considered a main objective, an objective cannot simply be “increasing sales”, but it must be more specific and can be measured in detail to ensure that the campaign works as expected.

For example, a smart goal could be: i want to go from having 2 leads per month to having 4 and increase sales by 20% with inbound marketing strategies in a period of 6 months .

If you set a quantitative goal, that is, you set an exact number of what you want to achieve, it will be easier for you to stay on track and fight to achieve that number without going down parallel paths.

On the other hand, secondary objectives are no less important than the main objective, but they are those that will be related to it. For example:

main objective : i want to go from having 2 leads per month to having 4 and increase sales by 20% with inbound marketing strategies in a period of 6 months .
Secondary objective : 2 of the 4 increased leads must become customers.

Once you have all the objectives established, it is time to move on to step 2.

Step 2: swot analysis
it is important that before planning the marketing strategy that you want to carry out with all its actions, you analyze your company to know if the objectives set are realistic or not and if you will be able to assume them .

To do this, it is important to do a swot analysis of your company, that is, analyze your weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities.

when we talk about weaknesses, we are referring to the weaknesses that your company has compared to the competition. These could be: high prices, the company's situation, a product that needs improvement, etc.
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