How to Write a Good Description for an Online Store Product: 8 Useful Tips

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How to Write a Good Description for an Online Store Product: 8 Useful Tips

Post by ritu790 »

No correct descriptions - no sales growth . According to Episerver, 98% of people will abandon purchases if the information about the product on the site is incomplete or incorrect.

High-quality description of goods in the online store:

justifies the price by describing all the benefits for the consumer ;
motivates to purchase the product;
answers the question of why you should buy it in this particular store;
helps with SEO promotion.
To achieve these results, you need to work on the structure and message of the description. That’s why we studied the latest trends and collected 8 tips on how to write an effective product description.


1. Study your target audience
Think about what kind of people your customers are? What interests them most about the product? What do they want to know about it? Do they use informal language, do they appreciate humor or being addressed informally?

The easiest way to find answers to these questions is to look at customer reviews and overviews of products similar to yours. You can find them on popular platforms such as IRecommend and Otzovik . This way, you will learn the unique impressions of the buyer: what satisfied/dissatisfied them in the store, what problems they encountered, how they describe their expectations from the purchase.

Pay attention to how the buyer talks about the product he has purchased, what adjectives he uses. In the future, these “live” formulations can be used for your descriptions.

Defining the target audience using the 5W method
Mark Sherrington , a brand marketer, proposed the 5W (5 questions) method for defining your target audience. The basic idea is to get a general idea of ​​your potential customers by answering 5 questions:

What will you sell?
Who will buy your products?
Why will people buy?
When does a customer think about purchasing this product?
Where can they buy the products?
For example, you have an online clothing store where you sell evening dresses. Here is an example of the responses you might receive:

What: women's clothing, evening dresses.
Who: women aged 18 to 35.
Why : they want to look modern, stylish and beautiful.
When: A special occasion such as a party, corporate event or graduation.
Where: They can buy clothes in an online store.
Once you have an idea of ​​who your buyer is, your descriptions will sound personalized and natural.

example of product description in online store

2. Add product features and functions
Details about the production and/or functionality of the product, firstly, help the buyer make a purchase decision faster. If a person cannot quickly understand the properties of the product in the first few minutes, he will go to another site, where they explain it more clearly. And he will buy it there.

Secondly, a detailed description of the product characteristics shows that you care about the comfort of your customers. This increases trust in you as a seller .

If you want to convince people to click the "buy" button , include all the details, namely :

material properties;
Features of care.
2 example of product description in online store

For many similar products, the composition will not influence the purchase in any way. But if you use emotions and images, as in the example above: “fragrant”, “thick formula”, “shimmering and silvery”, then this will give the product value and complement the emotional image.

Here are some additional tips to help you convey product features to your buyer using emotion:

Describe what your potential customer will feel after using your product.
Write about the “pains” (problems the customer has) and emphasize how your product will alleviate them.
3. Be concise and you will be remembered
Descriptions should be short, objective and readable. This type of content increases usability by 124% .

According to statistics, 79% of Internet users "scan" the text. That is, they read only the paragraphs that are most interesting to them. For this reason, a bulleted list is used to describe products , which makes the text easier to perceive.

Most often, bulleted lists are used to describe the main characteristics of a product (such as size, color, and material) or features so that they can be quickly and easily reviewed. However, if you want to arouse interest and convince the reader to buy this particular product, a bulleted list is not the best way. It is easy to perceive, but it presents information in a dry form, without evoking emotions in the reader.

You can fix the situation by adding 2-3 engaging sentences before the bulleted list. Engaging sentences are those that interest and encourage reading the description text to the end. For example, briefly tell an interesting fact from the history of the product or colorfully describe the result of its use.

And place a list of the main characteristics and advantages after this paragraph, for example, as in the La Roche-Posay cosmetics online store:
concise description of the product

4. Create trustworthy text
In product descriptions, phrases that contain biased evaluations are not as effective as specific descriptions. Avoid exaggerated sentences or phrases. Words like “amazing,” “incredible,” “excellent” sound insincere unless you can prove it. Don’t expect customers to immediately believe you.

Example: You are writing a description for an latvia phone number library online bag store. Don't write that the bag is "high-quality" or "the most stylish" - instead, mention the factors that make it so. You can find these factors by highlighting the main advantages of this bag model, namely:

Is a "quality" handbag handmade from Italian leather?
Will it be able to withstand years of constant wear?
Which famous fashion influencers carried a similar handbag?
5. Capture the buyer's attention
Imagine you are at a party. You need to tell a stranger a little about yourself and the products you sell. Agree, listing characteristics is unlikely to make a person listen to the story to the end. But, for example, a story about an unusual production method that is several hundred years old or using a grandmother's loom in work will interest your listener.

Another way to write a compelling story is to use humor. This will help you stand out and write not just informatively, but in an unusual and funny way. This approach is used in the description below:

interesting product description


6. Create a product description template
A single template for product descriptions will be useful for copywriters to focus on the ready-made structure of the text.

A possible example of such a template:

introduction - 2-3 sentences;
the main part is a bulleted list of 4-5 points listing specific characteristics.
Another option:

instead of an introduction - a description of the key feature of the product;
the main part is a listing of the main qualities and properties;
Conclusion - advice on possible applications.
Depending on the product you sell, the template will change. For example, in the description of electrical equipment, it is worth adding all the technical characteristics. In this case, the buyer will be guided by them when deciding to buy.

Depending on the product you sell, the template will change. For example, in the description of electrical equipment, it is worth adding all the technical characteristics. In this case, the buyer will be guided by them when deciding to buy.

7. Optimize descriptions for SEO
SEO (search engine optimization) is a priority for all website owners, as 43% of online store traffic comes from organic search.

Product description on the website is an opportunity to improve SEO indicators. Compose description texts so that they attract the attention of Google and Yandex search algorithms - then new visitors will visit your website more often. To do this, you need to consider two factors: keywords and uniqueness .
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