They are fun
Well-made games are fun. They are a form of escapism with doses of skill and participation that excite and engage. At the same time, they generate user engagement.
Capture data
Branded mini-games allow, in addition to generating engagement, a better russia whatsapp mobile phone number list measurement of their results. The backend captures data from each user (email, cell phone number, location…) and other relevant information.

For example, how many unique players participate in the campaign, who submits their information, who shares the game on social media, and who redeems the rewards earned.
They give more opportunities for interaction
Unlike more traditional marketing, gamification requires a decision to be made: to participate or not. This first step creates a proactive attitude on the part of the user: they are in control and choose to interact with the company.
This gives the brand the opportunity to display its messages during the time that the user is participating in the game. Thus, each user who plays develops a deeper engagement than that generated by likes or other more sporadic interactions.
They are affordable
It is a fact that product marketing is not cheap if you want results. In addition, it is necessary to involve analytics services to measure the results.
However , gamification platforms represent savings in this regard, since they have their own measurement systems (more accurate, since they measure a closed audience) and encourage a greater number of interactions and messages.
They are multiplatform
It is necessary to consider that potential customers use different types of devices and receive campaigns through social networks and applications.
This represents a great opportunity, but also a challenge: offering gamified campaigns that work across all platforms and devices (a capability inherent to gamification services).
Taking this into account increases the reach of the campaign.
How to apply Gamification in Product Marketing
To take advantage of the benefits of gamification in marketing, it is necessary to transform the passive reception of our content and turn it into calls for action. To do this:
Know your audience
Like any strategy developed by a digital marketing agency , gamification must be based on a deep understanding of your potential customers. That is, their needs, pain points and motivations for joining a game.
Once you know this information, you can set the objectives of your campaign: to promote a service, increase your brand prestige, or increase customer loyalty.
Define the player profile
Once you've selected your audience, you need to know what skills they have. With this, you can determine which is the best game to make available to them: should it have basic, medium or advanced gameplay?
The wrong decision can backfire and lead to user frustration.