The technique consisted of identifying a few main keywords

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The technique consisted of identifying a few main keywords

Post by rmsh47 »

This was the era of black hat SEO. Several years ago, we wrote an article listing dangerous SEO practices and practices to avoid . If you are interested… But Google's interest is to always improve the relevance of the pages presented in the results pages. This is its value proposition. As a result, the algorithms have evolved. Today, SEO consists of producing content that truly meets the expectations and needs of users. We no longer write for robots or algorithms.

We no longer try to stuff our content with keywords. Google's algorithm netherlands telemarketing data now uses user-centric factors, such as bounce rate, time spent on the page, shares, etc. An effective SEO strategy is one that focuses on the user and seeks to produce quality content. It is in this context that we are gradually moving from a keyword-centric SEO philosophy to an approach based on user needs. Why You Need to Ditch (or at Least Evolve) Classic SEO Techniques Until now, webmasters who dealt with SEO were obsessed with keywords.

You only have to look at the number of tools dedicated to keyword research to realize this. To get an overview, we invite you to discover tools to find high-potential keywords in your field . or key expressions before using tools to find other keywords based on these basic keywords. In the end, we ended up with a huge list of keywords that we simply had to load into a tool like Google Keyword Planner to classify the keywords according to their search volume and their level of competition.
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