The process is divided into five stages: 

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The process is divided into five stages: 

Post by roselin125#$&* »

Discovery: The potential client recognizes that they have a problem or need to solve. This causes them to start exploring. 

Consideration: the interested party already has specific information and is looking for suppliers and proposals to compare. This step may take more or less time, depending on the characteristics of the service to be acquired.

Decision: At this stage, the supplier company is defined. This is where a series of mexico whatsapp mobile phone number list new phases begins to lead the client to purchase or contract. 

Service: This involves analyzing the execution of the service in order to ensure both quality and the best experience for the customer. The long-term relationship will depend on this assessment. 


Loyalty: If the above yields positive results, recommendations are made that expand the scope of the business. Customer satisfaction generates loyalty and brand ambassadors.
Inbound marketing is key in the discovery stage of B2B buyers. The data they collect on digital platforms is crucial for making purchasing decisions.
With the evolution of the digital world, in-person sales service is no longer enough: customers have access to a wealth of online information that can assist them in their supplier research .

According to a study on the purchasing process reported by , during the consideration phase, B2B buyers spend most of their time searching for solutions online (more than any other way). In fact, only 17% of the purchasing time is spent in meetings with suppliers. 

The purchasing process then takes up only 5% or 6% of these professionals' time.


Who is involved in the purchasing process of a B2B Buyer?
In the world of B2B sales, we find two groups that usually intervene in this process (both in SMEs and in large companies):

Principal: These are the people who are in charge of executive purchasing. Companies usually have a department in charge of this task; this is the target where you should put most of your sales efforts.
Secondary: It is made up of advisors, influencers, referents, etc., and is divided as follows:→ Initiators : these are the employees who recognize a problem and begin to look for a solution.
→ Prescribers : these are those who suggest a product or service.
→ Influencers : they have the power to positively or negatively influence the purchase initiative.
→ Deciders : these are those in charge of deciding the purchase.
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