The Open Rate has always been one of the most valued metrics when analyzing the performance of a company's email marketing, since it shows the subscribers who decide to open the emails that have been sent. In this post we will see 5 elements that can help to significantly increase openings.
The special interest that this metric arouses lies in the fact that it relates the openings to the interest of the users who have clicked on the email, therefore, it is assumed that the more users interested in the content of the email there are, the closer the brand will be to achieving the objective that it has set with its email marketing mexico mobile phone number list campaign: conversions, visits to the e-commerce, loyalty, etc. This is where the concern of finding the “magic formula” that manages to trigger openings arises. But the reality is far from being like that, and there are no magic tricks to achieve an increase in the Open Rate overnight. The secret lies in paying attention and implementing the 5 elements that we discuss below:
1- Use an attractive and impactful subject
As we have mentioned on previous occasions, the subject is the first thing that the subscriber will see related to the email that has been sent to them. Therefore, it cannot go unnoticed, it must attract their attention and stand out above all the emails waiting in their email inbox. A good way to achieve this is by using personalization , showing that your message is directed especially to them. Another good technique is to mention the incentive or promotion that the email contains (if it is offered) or to choose a different subject than usual that worries the user so that they want to know more and decide to open the email.
To complement this point we recommend that you read 8 tips for writing a good subject .
2- Send interesting content to gain their trust and loyalty
It is very important that every time an email is sent it is because there is a real need to communicate something interesting for the subscriber and not just for the sake of the brand. If users detect that the campaigns they receive are of interest to them, solve a problem or need they may have or offer incentives, promotions and offers that they can use for their own benefit, they will most likely get used to always opening emails from the company in question. To do this, it is essential to segment the database well in order to send them content that they like and gain trust and loyalty in the brand (sender) .
3- Send by STO (Send Time Optimization)
We previously made an introduction to STO in Email Marketing and we saw the benefits that its implementation offered us. Do you remember what one of them was? Yes, the increase in the opening rate . Thanks to the fact that the email is sent at the best time and/or day for each of the subscribers we have in our database, the possibility of the user opening it and interacting with it increases dramatically. We encourage you to test it if your sending platform incorporates the STO functionality and see for yourself its potential.