Did you read the predictions about social media use for small businesses in 2014? One of the biggest predictions states that small businesses will get more selective about their use of social media and the sites they have a presence on. So what about the top social media networks, Facebook and Twitter? If you have limited time and resources and can only devote your time to one site, which is best for your biz?
Some businesses have already found their winning platform for success. In the Facebook camp, take a look at businesses such as Talking Finger, Earthegy and Chocolate for Breakfast for inspiration. In the world of Twitter, look no further than Tacolicious, Odell Brewing and Food in Jars.
For our purposes, let’s start by looking at a head-to-head comparison of these two social media network powerhouses:
(Statistics via Statistic Brain at
(Statistics via Statistic Brain
Now that you see how they measure up, albania whatsapp number database let’s look at some key comparisons to see which of these top social networks might be the best fit for your business.
Yes, Facebook has more than double the active users of Twitter, but their algorithm determines which content you see in your news feed, and how often in a given period of time. This can make it more challenging for your audience to see your content, especially with the algorithm changes they’ve been making recently, which impacts business content even more, unless you pay to promote your posts.
Twitter, however, is composed of one consistently streaming news feed of content/tweets, no restrictions applied. As people who follow your business Twitter account follow more people and businesses, their stream also becomes noisier. It can be easy for your content to get lost in the mix.
On the upside, the search function within Twitter is more robust and is utilized more often than Facebook. If you’re tweeting information people care about, the likelihood that it will be found is much greater via Twitter.
Choose Facebook if: You have a little budget that can be put towards promoting your posts.
Facebook or Twitter – Which is Better for Your Small Business?
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