The lockdown and restrictions caused

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The lockdown and restrictions caused

Post by tasnimsanika69 »

If possible, the events we organize this end of the year or for Christmas must be even more attractive and valuable than those before the global COVID-19 pandemic. Basically, people can make decisions about attending events, meetings or gatherings that are different from those they did before the health crisis, or perhaps they will prioritize new assumptions.

by the COVID-19 pandemic have caused people to think again about what they want to do, including a series of new habits . In addition, despite the desire to socialize and return to the normality of the months before the state of alarm, we all know that the so-called “new normal” does not yet exist, nor will it be easy to fully recover it. A good example of this is everything related to events .

With our sights set on collaborating again in the organization of face-to-face meetings or conventions for any company, always thinking about making the investment profitable, at Marketing M we go hand in hand with the values ​​of the brands or companies that trust in our services.

Content with added value, key for new face-to-face events
At this time, we are aware that organizations have been experiencing good virtual events belize number screening over the past few months, which has caused many people to not want to attend an in-person meeting. They may decide not to attend for health reasons, they may not be able to participate in the events in person, or they may prefer to continue enjoying them from the comfort of their home.

For this reason, if the content provided is not attractive enough, people will continue to opt for virtual activities. At Marketing M we are aware of the importance of taking advantage of the opportunity to increase the content levels of face-to-face meetings. And thus ensure that our clients' meetings are different from those that have not understood the importance of content, and what it currently implies.

As event planners with over a decade of experience, we know that we must work hard to adapt to COVID-19-related changes in meetings and gatherings, and what things we need to consider when planning them. Let’s look at some of the points and arguments we’ll need to think about before we start inviting people to our in-person events.

#1. Strict hygiene measures
As marketing professionals, we know that we have to be very strict when it comes to conveying maximum security to attendees and how to carry out all activities safely. For example, the usual use of a single microphone that is passed between people during a question and answer session must be controlled in a different way than usual, ensuring its level of hygiene.

We also need to take into account all the security of the venues or spaces that we choose to host the organization of the meetings, and even anticipate everything related to the number of attendees and frequency of cleaning, or what is cleaned, checking in advance if they forget any important aspect.

#2. The necessary social distancing
Most guests at future larger gatherings will demand that the activities offered have been designed to be carried out in absolute safety. For this reason, at Marketing M we plan POST-COVID-19 events taking everything into account in conjunction with the chosen venue or space, to ensure that their expectations are met in every way.

Not only do we need to communicate that social distancing will be respected, but we also need to be explicit and explain in detail our plan to regulate the flow of attendees and participants. In places where congestion is common, such as in front of the registration desks, we now prefer to use self-service registration systems that minimize queues and contact between people, in addition to the signage of one-way circuits.

#3. Post-pandemic catering or a new way of presenting food and drink
At a time when offering food and drink in buffet format is no longer possible, and is not expected to be possible in the short or medium term, we are aware of the importance of avoiding, as much as possible, that attendees have to queue to be served.

In addition, at Marketing M we are in favour of offering takeaway food and drink packs in disposable containers, which are also environmentally friendly, limiting the number of people in the catering area through a staggered distribution in time slots. And, of course, providing hand sanitiser stations at the entrance and exit of the area, promoting contactless technologies as much as possible.

There is no doubt that in-person events will look different after COVID-19. It is time to leave behind the old practices and embrace change because there are endless opportunities for companies that want to resume organizing in-person meetings . We invite you to contact us so we can help you in the conceptualization, organization and development of your company's next events!
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