This function returns the number

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[email protected]
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This function returns the number

Post by [email protected] »

Share a direct link to a metric: Now, instead of having to @mention someone in a new record, you can reference a metric by simply sharing a direct link to it.
New DAX function: NETWORKDAYS. of full business days between two days. Note that you can use any way of expressing a date in Power BI to specify start and end dates, including the “YYYY-MM-DD” notation . Business days exclude weekends, which can be customized using the optional weekends parameter. By default, this function will use Saturday and Sunday as weekend days. Any dates provided in an optional holiday parameter will also be excluded when calculating business days.
Support for multi-role RLS in composite modeling: Support for multi-role RLS has been enabled allowing model owners to assign a single user to more than one RLS role in a composite model.
Improved query performance: Query performance has been improved for propagating RLS filters defined on import dimension tables to DirectQuery tables using Mashup connectors.
Connectivity and data preparation
Now, you can easily discover the entry point to ghana whatsapp resource connect to datamarts from the “Get Data” experience (Power Platform section) within Power BI Desktop. You can also search for datamarts within the “Get Data” experience. And, this connection to datamarts will allow you to:
Connect to the datamart's underlying automatically generated dataset using the live connection so you can easily create reports.
Connect to the datamart's SQL endpoint using direct queries or import and create datasets or reports.
Display name support for Dataverse connector: Now when creating reports using the Dataverse connector, whether in Import or DQ mode, you will see display names automatically applied to all columns in the model.
The BitSight Security Ratings connector has been updated and the Databricks connector has also been updated to support localization.
Eduframe Reports (new connector)

Eduframe provides a fully flexible e-commerce store, course and student management, resource management for continuing education providers, that seamlessly integrates with Canvas LMS, billing software, and CRM systems.
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