E-reputation and B2B, this is a theme that is increasingly present in the mouths of B2B marketers. Today, the notion of reputation is essential for each company, because it responds to recent changes in consumption patterns. Indeed, a Google study on web behaviors mentions the fact that ¾ of Internet users are sensitive to the opinions of others before buying. Taking care of your reputation is therefore a crucial issue for increasing your sales. But is it really the case for B2B companies?
B2B companies are often considered to be behind in terms of innovation, concept or digitalization compared to B2C. The latter, very focused on digital and the notion of reputation, have influenced behaviors. These behaviors are reflected in our daily lives both personally and professionally. Therefore, taking care of your e-reputation becomes a major issue for companies, because our purchasing behaviors, our way of searching remain the same in every aspect of our lives. c level contact list
Are e-reputation and B2B inseparable today or are they still dissociable?