Metaverse and the Digital Rights Charter

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Metaverse and the Digital Rights Charter

Post by tasnimsanika69 »

This Thursday was a day for and by companies, in which Meta World Congress brought together investors, venture capital funds, banks, business angels, family offices and the most important technology companies on the national and international scene, with the best startups in order to boost them to a new level , with Madrid being the nerve centre of entrepreneurship and the most powerful companies at a technological level .

Santiago Álvarez , CEO of and co-founder of Meta World Congress , was at the opening and welcomed the companies, startups, guests and press in attendance. He then gave the floor to Pilar Sánchez-Bleda , head of the metaverse advisory area at Auren , who stated that “the metaverse is already our present and it is here to stay . Companies must be in this ecosystem and we can help them become more professional.”

María Jesús Villamediana , director of the Video Game Campus of the Madrid City Council , also gave a speech during the first day of the Meta Worls Congress , where she stressed the following: "Our goal is to retain talent , promote entrepreneurs in the sector and create an ecosystem in Spain with Madrid as a city of the metaverse ."

Next, the panel of experts from the sector by Auren took place, formed by Luís Pérez Galán from IBM , Marcos Carrera from Fujitsu , Edgar Plasencia from Bitget and Rubén Illescas from Auren. After the panel of experts, the opening of the financing round of Keiretsu Forum and Foro Capital Pymes took place , by Miquel Costa, and finally the presentation of the startups' projects.

All attendees of the first day of Meta World Congress were also able to relax and kazakhstan number screening network in an area equipped with catering, music by Kiss FM and surrounded by Futura Vive's home robotics.

In the afternoon, attendees were able to attend the conference "as a Legal Framework of Reference" by Rodolfo Tesone of ENATIC, who spoke about the technological revolution that is taking place with the metaverse and that brings with it important challenges regarding the rights and freedoms of users .

Next, experts Pedro Muñoz Román from BBVA, Almudena de la Mata from Blockchain Intelligence Center, Daniel Hernández from Belobaba and Sergio Fernández from Myconomy shared their experiences and knowledge in the round table “Banking 3.0 and web3: towards a more democratic and decentralized financial future” .

In the panel “State of the Art of immersive technologies” , experts from leading Spanish companies in the international market provided their perspective on this field. Carlos J. Ochoa from VR/AR Association Madrid, Alberto Carlier from Virtualware, Raul Cruz from Visyon and Eduardo Ruiz from Befootball shared this table.

To end the day, Carlos J. Ochoa from VR/AR Association Madrid once again analyzed at the conference “Quovadis metaverse: Year 2050 and beyond…” how the metaverse can influence and transform the way we interact with the world .

Meta World Congress will continue its programming at La Nave de Madrid and simultaneously in the metaverse of Uttopion, Legendaryum, Xave World, Evveland , Hospiland and Parqueland . In addition, with the support of Madrid City Council, it will offer conferences by the main exponents of the sector, immersive actions, an exhibitor area and activities for the whole family.
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