What is Inbound Marketing?

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What is Inbound Marketing?

Post by tonmoypramanik »

Inbound Marketing is a strategy that consists of creating high value-added content and distributing it via the right channels to attract visitors to your website, converting them into qualified leads and then loyal customers.

SLN Web - Inbound marketing agency - our method in 4 steps

Inbound Marketing is the perfect strategy in B2B .

The B2B decision-maker no longer wants to speak to a salesperson before having formed a precise idea of ​​the solution he needs.

The decision-maker prefers to conduct his purchasing considerations alone and, once he has reached maturity on the subject, contact the company he has selected to validate his choice.

The Inbound Marketing strategy allows you to encourage the decision-maker to think about purchasing. But for this, it is essential to respect the 5 prerequisites of an effective Inbound Marketing strategy.

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1. Define your Goals
We are regularly contacted by B2B companies who are looking for an Inbound Marketing agency namibia email list to help them define and implement their strategy.

We generally start with an Inbound Marketing Workshop , the first half-day meeting of which allows us to work on our clients' objectives.

I said half a day: the idea is to work on specific objectives. Marketing and commercial objectives.

Your goals are the foundation of your Inbound Marketing strategy.

Objectives allow you to identify the right performance indicators to monitor, the actions to take and to what extent.

2. Work on your Personas
An Inbound Marketing strategy consists of sending your target audience high added value content that will enable them to think about purchasing and gain maturity.

To do this, it is essential to know your target inside out. It is inevitable here to work on your Personas.

The work of Personas is too often taken lightly by B2B companies who are content to assign the task to the marketing department for 1 or 2 hours.

As part of our Inbound Marketing Workshop, we allocate 1 week to working on Personas for our clients.

Would you like to be supported in implementing your Inbound Marketing Strategy? Discover our Workshop!
3. Align Sales and Marketing
A successful Inbound Marketing strategy requires good collaboration between your marketing department and your sales department.

Inbound Marketing is a strategy that allows the marketing department to generate qualified and mature leads that it then transmits to the sales department for conversion.

misalignment sales and marketing loss of customers

For your Inbound Marketing strategy to be successful, it is inevitable to align sales and marketing .

This involves defining complementary objectives and what characterizes a quality lead from a bad lead.

4. Create High Value-Added Content
Content is the fuel of your Inbound Marketing strategy. To move forward quickly and far, it is essential that your fuel is quality fuel.

Your content must provide value to your target audience throughout the purchasing journey .

Buyer journey: the length of the sales cycle - Inbound Marketing

For an effective Inbound Marketing strategy, you must write content that answers the questions/problems of the decision-maker. Whether they are in the Awareness, Consideration or Decision phase.

His expectations, questions and doubts evolve from one stage to the next.

5. Use the Right Tools
A successful Inbound Marketing strategy is a strategy implemented with the right tools.

Whether it's content creation, social media promotion, emailing or reporting, you need to use the tools that will guarantee you optimal performance.

At the agency, we believe that the multiplication of tools only multiplies the risks.

The more tools you use in your Inbound Marketing strategy, the more you expose yourself to holes in the racket: you risk missing leads and you will have difficulty creating complete reports.

We strongly recommend that you equip yourself with a tool that will allow you to manage all the actions of your Inbound Marketing strategy under the same interface.
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