There are special variants of text citation used in particular cases. Such variants include citation from secondary sources, reference to foreign authors and terms, self-citation and citation of legislative acts.
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Citations from secondary sources are only possible at the stage of familiarization with the topic and problems of the research, as well as for defining the conceptual apparatus of the work. All citations that are used in this way must be carefully verified against primary sources. You also need to be sure that there were no errors in the secondary source. Cases in which citation from a secondary source is possible:
the original source is lost or unavailable (for example, it is located in closed archives or libraries);
the original source is written in a language that is difficult to translate;
the text of the quotation is known from the recording of the words of its author in the memoirs of other people;
The quote is given to illustrate the author's train buy vietnam telemarketing data of thought and argumentation.
When mentioning the names of foreign authors , as well as when citing foreign sources , the text of the source is also given not in the original language, but in the language of the scientific work (for example, in Russian). If the correctness of the translation is in doubt, a paraphrase can be used. In the event that the author is not widely known in Russian science, it is necessary to additionally write his original surname and initials in brackets.
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It is important to correctly transliterate the author's surname. To do this, you can refer to Russian-language sources and publications on this topic. With a high degree of probability, the source of the quote has already been indicated and translated into Russian. Note that in the list of sources used, foreign publications are indicated in the original language.
Self-citation is a common practice in Russian scientific works. Previously published research by the author can be the source of the citation. This type of citation will help to avoid duplication of information and self-plagiarism, and will also help to direct the interested reader to previous and related works. Self-citations must be formatted according to all citation rules. It is necessary to remember that citing your own works must be appropriate and justified, complement the scientific work and follow its objectives.
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Citation of legislative acts should be carried out strictly according to primary sources, especially since all legal and by-laws are public and generally available information. Citation of secondary sources will look inappropriate and completely unjustified. It is necessary to make sure that the current version of the law is used and that the law has entered into force. This can be verified using any legal system, for example, "Cons