How to diagnose a politician's social networks?

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How to diagnose a politician's social networks?

Post by kolikhatun088 »

Talking to our subscribers, we have already noticed that many politicians in office are already looking ahead to the next elections.

With the possibility of already being able to start pre-campaign actions, an important work front is the diagnosis of the politician's social networks. And how to do this is the question of the week:

What path do you recommend in order to diagnose the networks, for a politician who is currently without a mandate but will run for Deputy?

Vinícius, subscriber to the Political Marketing Guide
To answer the question, we selected some classes that teach step by step different ways of making this diagnosis.

Be clear about the monitoring possibilities
A good diagnosis also starts with the analysis of monitoring data that should be collected periodically.

Based on this information, the diagnostic work becomes czech republic phone number database more complete and comparative, but as this is an infrequent activity in the world of political communication, we recommend that you start by understanding what monitoring is and also the possible metrics for diagnosis.

Understand the types of information that a report can contain
The delivery of a diagnosis is nothing more than a report with quantitative and qualitative data and information.

This quick lesson explains how to create reports .

If you are going to diagnose websites, understand SEO
Website diagnostics are also a service that can be offered to politicians and the logic behind this work is a little different than on social networks, mainly because the diagnostics must consider technology as well as content.

The EO course – In search of the first pag

If you are going to diagnose Facebook, understand the metrics offered
The diagnostic logic of social networks is a little different from that of a website.

This is because on social media you will work with metrics offered by the platform itself and you will keep an eye on the results of the published content.

In the Facebook for Campaigns course, watch:

Presenting the dashboard and some metrics

Fan profile


Data export

Learn more about what to diagnose
You can extend your diagnostic proposal to Google, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia.

In the Campaign Planning course (2018), professor Marcelo Vitorino explains step by step how to carry out this analysis.

The research class has 3 parts, watch parts 2 and 3.

Politician/candidate research

A point of attention
One action that can greatly contribute to the quality of your diagnosis is to have an advance conversation with the politician/candidate and understand what their objectives are.

In this way, it is possible to offer, at the end of the diagnosis, whether the path taken in the networks today is adequate for achieving its goals.

Good studies and great work! ?

And remember…

? You can view all the courses and classes in the Political Marketing Guide on the content page.

Read also on the Political Marketing Guide Blog
How to start the work of building a pre-candidate's image?

How can I expand my presence in the political marketing market?

Political pages: what to publish and how often?
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