Do you want to sell or increase your sales online, but don't have a sales page yet?
Have you realized that you will spend a lot of money and/or a considerable amount of time to set up your online store and manage abandoned shopping carts ? So, wisely, you decided to make online sales without using a shopping cart and using a beautiful sales page.
What is a Landing Page?
This page will mainly contain details about the product, benefits, offers and the famous purchase button.
After deciding to create this page, the question arises: how to create a well-structured sales page that attracts attention and convinces people to buy?
The first thing that comes to mind is to copy the sales page of costa rica phone number database some famous company or market leader. You copy the page, adapt it to your business and… nothing. Meanwhile, your competitor seems to be taking off more and more.
There are several reasons for this failure. Firstly, it could be that your leads are not that interested in this design or the language is not the most appropriate, for example. Therefore, copying a sales page can be extremely inefficient and, more than that, represent a delay in your planning.
So, forget about the copies! Read this article until the end and learn the step-by-step process to create a high-converting sales page. Let’s go!
#1. Know your audience very well
If you want to sell more and more, you have to define exactly who your target audience is. At this point, you may be wondering why this is so important, since your product could probably be sold to anyone.
But the big question is this: nothing can be sold to everyone!
If you do a quick survey of your family or friends, you will realize that some things that you believe are essential in your life are not that important to some of them.
So, for your sales page to “talk” to the people who want to buy your product, it is more than essential to understand WHO these people are.
Understand the age range, interests and, most importantly, the pain points, difficulties and needs of this audience. This research will be essential, as it will be used to design a sales page that contains exactly what they want to read.
You've probably bought a product because you identified with the sales page. At that moment, it seemed like the page was literally talking to you, right? It even knew your problems and offered a solution that was everything you were hoping for! Bingo! You bought it!
Plus, when you communicate exactly with your target audience, you end up alienating those who aren’t your target audience. This saves you time and hassle with complaints, cancellations, and unsuccessful post-sales.
Therefore, the sales page cannot be generic and sell “to everyone”. In the eagerness to believe that selling to everyone generates more sales, the plan can backfire. Selling to everyone means communicating with no one!
#2. Pay attention to the design and organization of the content on the sales page
People build landing pagesIf you believe that a basic organization, with standardized templates and sober or cheerful colors would solve your life, it's time to review your concepts.
A sales page with disorganized information, barely legible letters, colors without contrast and buttons without prominence will certainly not convey a professional vision of the business.
Different fonts, too many colors and images can also be more distracting than attractive. The appropriate use of colors also helps to keep the attention of those who open the page or cause rejection. This can make (or not) a good impression.
In 2014, the website Quick Sprout presented a survey showing that approximately 85% of consumers say they have purchased a product because of its color and that 90% of purchasing processes are influenced by appearance.
The famous book Psychology of Color addresses the topic of sensations produced by colors. It is widely used to produce highly inviting web design and products.
In this case, it is worth doing audience research once again to align your audience's tastes with the style of your business or product. Whether it is more laid-back and relaxed or something more sober and formal.
Another highly relevant item is the organization of the content. There is nothing worse than visiting a sales page and feeling lost. Your customer cannot waste time looking for relevant information, such as price, payment method and purchase button, for example.
Therefore, a high-converting sales page contains the following items in an organized manner:
Initial connection with the client
Eye-catching images and phrases or titles that arouse attention, curiosity and immediate desire. What would your potential customers like to see? What would they like to read, know and understand?
These answers can give you clues as to a good headline to write on your sales page.
Detailed product presentation
Those who have reached the sales page want to know more about the subject. What the product is like, whether there are alternative colors, models or sizes. If it is a service, it is important to detail how it will be delivered and what type of support is available.
In this sense, another interesting part of the presentation is the existence of bonuses or free samples for a period of time.
Problems solved by the product
Here, it is essential to have in-depth knowledge of the problems, concerns and complaints of your potential customers, especially regarding your competition. This way, you can offer personalized solutions that are different from those already on the market.
Needs the product meets
Sometimes your product doesn’t solve a problem, but it meets a latent need. Maybe it represents status or is a dream purchase. Either way, showing that your product fully meets what the customer wants will make your sales page irresistible.
Differentiators in relation to the competition
People want to know why they should buy from you and not from your competitors. This is the time to present all the added value of your product or service. Be sure to present the aspects that are most relevant to your target audience.
Without this differentiation, your product becomes a commodity. In other words, it becomes more of the same and you will have to compete in the market solely on price, with little or no credibility.
FAQ of most common questions and answers
You may have already felt the frustration of visiting a sales page and being left with more questions than desire to buy. And the worst part: not having the means to clear up your doubts!
For this reason, it is very interesting and practical to organize a FAQ with some of the most common questions and answers, such as:
Delivery format of the product or service. If there is shipping and how much it costs, shipping time and delivery security;
Whether there is support or after-sales service;
Terms of purchase cancellation or return;
Details on misuse and replacement due to defects;
If there is any guarantee.
These are some suggestions, but it is important to observe the most common questions from your audience and create an FAQ that is as complete as possible.
Testimonials are essential for a high-converting sales page.
According to a 2018 report by Bright Local, 86% of online consumers read testimonials and 91% trust testimonials as much as they trust personal recommendations. An average of 10 testimonials are read per person to validate the decision to buy a product or service.
Testimonials validate the offer, eliminate objections, demonstrate professionalism and present the views of real consumers.
If your product is a one-off launch, it is worth doing a pre-launch validation for some close people or former customers, precisely to collect these perceptions and validate your offer.
Chat or access closer to you or your team to answer questions
If your customer is still confused even with the FAQ, it is worth having a closer relationship channel. A chat, for example, can eliminate final objections about features, delivery and shipping. This is your chance to show your knowledge and customer service.
Price and payment methods
Sometimes the price is described in such a confusing or small way, at the very bottom of the page, lost among images and colors that it is difficult to find it.
Furthermore, the price must be in line with the value perceived by the consumer regarding the product. There is no point in trying to sell your product for a high price if the customer does not perceive this value. They simply will not convert.
The opposite is also common. Offering the world at a bargain price shows more desperation than professionalism. Therefore, validate your price before creating your sales page.
Another very important point is to allow for multiple payment methods if you have a medium-high ticket product. Payment by card in installments, more than one card, deposit into an account or payment slip. One less objection to deal with!
Inviting buttons to purchase
There’s no point in creating the most beautiful sales page in the world, with the most persuasive text and stunning graphic design if the purchase button is boring. Or if the button goes unnoticed and becomes just another confusing element on the page. Customers certainly won’t click on it. What’s more, they’ll get lost looking for where to click. Here, once again, the importance of colors and contrasts comes into play.
Additionally, the purchase button should appear several times throughout the sales page. After all, those who have already decided to buy can simply click on the button without having to read or scroll to the end of the page.
#3. Bonuses, discounts and other triggers that may be on your sales page
box with gift wrappingExplain whether you will offer a bonus to anyone who purchases your product. If you do, provide details and how the “gift” will be delivered. The bonus can also be tied only to purchases made within a certain period of time.
In the case of discounts, they work very well for a specific period of time, to create a sense of urgency. For example, if the discount is unmissable and will only last 24 hours, it creates a huge desire in those interested to take advantage of the offer.
In this case, what is not valid and destroys credibility and professionalism is when this deadline is fake. In other words, the page says that the discount is only valid for the next 24 hours, but if the person opens the sales page two days later, the discount is still valid. And for the next 24 hours! Pure deception... total discredit to your sales page. Don't fall for this temptation!
Another trigger that works well to create the need for immediate purchase is the sale duration. If it is a limited sale, whether due to stock quantity or a training class, sales will be closed on a pre-determined date. This purchase with an end date generates the need for immediate purchase and the feeling of not knowing when a new opportunity will arise.
#4. Call To Action (CTA) on the sales page
The famous call to action (CTA) is crucial on a high-converting sales page.
After all, what should a person do on your sales page? Probably click a button to buy. But what if they do click, what will happen? What will they actually gain by buying your product?
These questions will direct your CTA far beyond the click to purchase, transforming the simple “click here to buy” button into “I want to change my life” or “I want to solve problem X”.
#5. The final card
You can insert some entry or exit banners or pop-ups on your sales page as a last resort to keep people interested on the page. If they try to leave or close the page, they will appear.
So, make the most of pop-ups, presenting the offer or the possibility of someone from the team calling or interacting with the person in a chat. In short, use your creativity to argue well and keep the person on your page for longer.
Let's get to work!
As good as online stores are, they usually just display their products in a window and add a shopping cart, without much interaction with potential customers.
A well-structured sales page containing highly persuasive content is, in itself, a much easier way to sell online and with a higher sales conversion rate than regular e-commerce.
By creating a sales page with the 5 tips presented, there is a high probability that your conversion will reach levels never before achieved. But remember that copying an existing page can literally ruin your chances. Hence the importance of creating something unique, aimed at your audience and not just at you.
Landing Page: Check out 5 tips for having a High Conversion Page
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